“Loving - Living - Serving - Giving - In God’s Name”

worship services

In Person Worship Services: Saturday 5:30pm | Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am
Online Worship: Saturday 5:30pm & Sunday 11:00am
Sunday School (all ages): Sunday 9:40am to 10:45am

Holy Trinity Offers 3 worship services each week.

In Person Worship:
Regular Worship Times throughout the school year
- Saturday Modern Contemporary Worship - 5:30pm
- Sunday Traditional Liturgical Worship - 8:30am & 11:00am
Sunday School for all ages - 9:40am (classes are located in the Education Bldg. B)

Online Worship: (Live Stream Click Here)
Summer Worship - Saturday 5:30pm & Sunday 10:00am

Online Worship (Aug - May) Saturday 5:30pm & Sunday 11:00am

*Summer Worship Times: Saturday 5:30pm & Sunday 10:00am (June & July)

All services are grounded in Word and Sacrament and offer a variety of music and tradition. Worship services last about one hour and communion is offered at all regular services.

Communion: Everyone who wishes to receive communion are welcome from any age or religious background. If you don't want to receive communion but would like a blessing, please come forward with your arms crossed and we will be happy to pray over you.


Our Saturday modern worship service is more contemporary with music led by our HT Praise Band on Keyboard, Guitar and drums. This worship service is outreach and event driven bringing praise to God with popular contemporary Christian music with guest artists and offers a simple but dynamic sermon with a casual come as you atmosphere. Communion is a part of the service and all are welcome to the table of the Lord.


Our Sunday Traditional Liturgical as well as Festival services are more traditional with a mix of classic and traditional hymns, spirituals, seasonal songs and liturgical readings. Our pipe organ and grand piano leads music for most of these services, with choirs of all ages, handbells and other instruments. Worship is centered on the word of God and the sacraments of baptism and communion celebrated. It’s structured but not stuffy. Adults, youth and children alike participate in the Sunday worship services. Youth participate and serve as Prayer Readers, Acolyte, Crucifer and Communion Assistants. Adult servant opportunities during worship include; Communion Server, Usher, Greeter, Lay Reader, A/V Booth Technician, Altar Guild Member and Communion Bread Bakers. Whatever it is, all can help make a difference.

Click Below to view any worship or memorial service from the Achieves.