“Loving - Living - Serving - Giving - In God’s Name”
HT Social Outreach Ministry Programs
Our social outreach programs at Holy Trinity aims to help, uplift, and support people and programs in our community who are in need. It involves giving, learning, planning and supporting. We work to help strengthen resources that benefit the welfare of others. To join one or more of these social outreach ministries contact the church office and we will put you in touch with a ministry leader.
must ministry
MUST is a volunteer organization dedicated to helping homeless and struggling individuals and families with food, clothing, housing, employment, and other needs.
Blessings in
a backpack
One in six kids struggles with access food for the 65 hours they are not at school. To ensure the kids our community have full bellies over the weekend, Blessings in a Backpack send kids home on Fridays with a backpack full of satisfying and nutritional food.
Holy Trinity supports MUST Ministry financially, through food and goods collection as well as serving in-person at shelters and soup kitchens.
- MUST Pantry Collections
- MUST Laundry Group
- MUST Loaves & Fishes
- MUST Summer Lunch Program
- Redeemer Soup Kitchen
Our Blessing in a Backpack Ministry helps provide food that feeds over 250 children at several of our local schools. The food packed each week are for children in need to take home over the weekends and during school breaks. This is to help those who rely solely on free breakfast and lunch during the school week, and might not have enough food when at home. We also work with MUST Summer Lunch program which helps feed these same children during the summer when school is out. Our Blessing In A Backpack team members meet to pack and distribute food every week during the school year. The packing is done on Thursdays at 9:30am in the Church Fellowship Hall and then distribute on Fridays at the schools. Becoming a team member of this ministry is a simple and easy way to give back to those in need.
God’s Work
Our hands
This is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
Service activities held annually in the fall offer opportunities for us serve and love our neighbor.
ELCA congregations around the country join and work together in service projects such as;
- Preparing & Delivering Homeless Care Bags
- Stocking shelves at Food Pantries
- Baskets delivered to the police station and five fire stations.
hunger walk
Hunger Walk Run, is project of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, that unites our community to raise awareness and critical funds for local hunger relief.
Hunger Walk is an annual 5k walk/run through downtown Atlanta to benefit hunger relief efforts in our community. We are happy to be a part of this wonderful event each year, and we are one of the Top Five fundraisers among the Lutheran congregations! A percentage of the funds we raise comes back to us to be used in our Blessings in a Backpack program, which feeds children at local Marietta schools. To learn more go to http://www.engage.acfb.org/
lenten DigDeep Clean water projects
The Lenten Water Project is to create awareness of and provide education on water issues while raising funds for these projects.
During the Lenten season, we strive to raise awareness and provide education to others on clean water issues throughout the world while also raising funds for these projects.
Our Lenten Dig Deep Clean Water campaigns and the donations collected have helped fund;
- Appalachian Clean Water Project in 2023
- Navajo Clean Water Project in 2022
- Uganda Clean Water Project in 2021
Donations for future projects can be made through Holy Trinity or Dig Deep direct.
To learn more about the Dig Deep Clean Water Program visit their website at https://www.digdeep.org
habitat for humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps people in your community and around the world build or improve a place they can call home.
Our church co-ordinates with the Lutheran Coalition for Habitat in building homes for needy and deserving families in our area. The Coalition was founded in 1992 and is comprised of 12 local Lutheran Churches. We completed our 32nd Habitat for Humanity Build in 2022.
Habitat-North Central Georgia is already planning their Spring 2023 build for the Pierre family. The build site is at 5372 Woodstock Road, Acworth, GA.
The Lutheran Coalition for Habitat has been allotted 75 slots for this build. We need volunteers.
March 18 - First Nail March 25 - First Floor Walls
April 15 - Siding April 22 - Siding/Paint
April 29 - Siding/Paint May 6 & 13 - Inside Paint
May 20 - Pre-Landscaping June 3 - Landscaping
Angel Tree
Angel Tree programs delivers Christmas gifts for hundreds of thousands of children around the country each year.
Angel Tree programs help provide Christmas gifts for children all over the world. Our program focuses on the Foster Children in Cobb County each year. This is how it works; Once a child has been registered and accepted as an Angel through Cobb County Foster Care, we receive a copy of their individual Christmas wish lists. We then share with our church family by hanging these wish lists on our Angel Tree in the Church Fellowship hall where it gives them an opportunity to then choose an angel to help and provide gifts of new clothing and toys from their wish list. https://www.angeltreeatlanta.org/
By becoming a volunteer at Holy Trinity is just one small way you can give back and make difference in the lives of others as well as in your own life. Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We serve and volunteer confidently, knowing that God has prepared the way for us!
Prayer, Study & Ministry Groups
W-ELCA is the women's ministry affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Here, you will find: support of your faith journey; opportunities to serve and make a difference in our community and around the world; This is a community of women who pray together, share in Bible study, and experience the joy of growing in faith and friendship. Holy Trinity’s W-ELCA
provides groups, known as circles such as;
Rainbow Quilters - This small group ministry invites all those who enjoy cutting, sewing, and more! Each year the completed quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief for distribution around the globe where needed. The Rainbow Quilters meet each month on the 2nd Tuesday at 9:00 AM in Room 7/8 of the Education Building. Anyone can join.
Prayer Shawl Ministry - is a small group ministry designed for those who knit or crochet enrich their effort by creating shawls, hats, scarves and wash cloths for those who are in need of encouragement. Newcomers are welcome and will be given direction on knitting or crocheting. Our prayer shawls are prayed over and distributed to those in need or at times presented as a special gift by the Stephen Ministers and Pastors. This small group meets in Room 7-8 in the Education Building on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM.
Our W-ELCA prayer circles and Bible studies are simply where the W-ELCA women’s ministry meets together to join hands in a literal circle of prayer, have fellowship, study the Bible and work on outreach projects. If you would like to be a part of wonderful women in ministry, come join one of our small groups and watch how it makes a difference in your life.
Circle of Peace meets on the second Monday of the month at 12:30pm
in the Library located in Bldg. A.Tender Loving Care (TLC) meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00am
in the Fellowship Hall located in Bldg. A.God’s Grace meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 11:00am
in room Room 7/8 located in the Education Building B.Monday School meets every Monday (Aug - May) at 9:30am in Bldg. B, upstairs in the Upper Room.
For more information or to contact one of the ministry leaders please contact the church office and we will be happy to assist you. churchoffice@holytrinitymarietta.org